Introduction to Symmetrical and Asymmetrical Relationships in Django's ManyToManyField

Understanding the symmetrical Argument for Flexible Relationship Management in Django Models

When designing a database model in Django, you might encounter scenarios where you need to model relationships between entities, such as users in a social media application. The ManyToManyField in Django is a powerful tool for handling such relationships, and the symmetrical argument adds an extra layer of control to this functionality.

Symmetrical vs Asymmetrical Relationships

Consider a scenario with two users, Alice and Bob, and their friendship status. In a symmetrical friendship:

  • If Alice is a friend of Bob, then Bob is automatically considered a friend of Alice.

  • If Bob is a friend of Alice, then Alice is a friend of Bob.

On the other hand, in an asymmetrical friendship:

  • If Alice is a friend of Bob, it doesn't automatically mean that Bob is a friend of Alice.

  • Both sides of the relationship need to be specified separately.

Using symmetrical in Django Models

In Django models, the symmetrical argument of a ManyToManyField captures this concept. Let's illustrate this with a simple model:

class Friend(models.Model):
    user = models.CharField(max_length=55)
    friends = models.ManyToManyField('self', symmetrical=True)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.user

Now, let's see how this works:

>>> john = Friend.objects.create(user='John')
>>> owen = Friend.objects.create(user='Owen')
>>> tom = Friend.objects.create(user='Tom')
>>> john.friends.all()
<QuerySet []>
>>> owen.friends.all()
<QuerySet []>
>>> john.friends.add(owen)    # If you're a friend with someone, 
>>> john.friends.all()
<QuerySet [<Friend: Owen>]>
>>> owen.friends.all()            # they're automatically your friend too
<QuerySet [<Friend: John>]>
>>> tom.friends.all()
<QuerySet []>
>>> tom.friends.add(john)
>>> john.friends.all()
<QuerySet [<Friend: Owen>, <Friend: Tom>]>
>>> tom.friends.all()
<QuerySet [<Friend: John>]>
>>> owen.friends.all()
<QuerySet [<Friend: John>]>

When symmetrical=False, you need to manage both sides of the relationship explicitly:

class Friend(models.Model):
    user = models.CharField(max_length=55)
    friends = models.ManyToManyField('self', symmetrical=False)

    def __str__(self) -> str:
        return self.user
>>> from core.models import *
>>> john = Friend.objects.create(user='John')
>>> owen = Friend.objects.create(user='Owen')
>>> tom = Friend.objects.create(user='Tom')
>>> john.friends.all()
<QuerySet []>
>>> owen.friends.all()
<QuerySet []>
>>> john.friends.add(owen)      # being a friend with someone, 
>>> john.friends.all()
<QuerySet [<Friend: Owen>]>
>>> owen.friends.all()                # does not automatically means they are your friend, 
<QuerySet []>
>>> tom.friends.all()
<QuerySet []>
>>> john.friends.add(tom)
>>> john.friends.all()
<QuerySet [<Friend: Owen>, <Friend: Tom>]>
>>> tom.friends.all()
<QuerySet []>
>>> owen.friends.all()
<QuerySet []>


In conclusion, the symmetrical argument in Django's ManyToManyField plays a role in defining the nature of relationships between model instances. Whether designing a social media application or handling complex data structures, grasping the symmetrical or asymmetrical characteristics of connections is fundamental.

By setting symmetrical=True, Django automates the management of reverse relationships, streamlining bidirectional navigation. On the other side, opting for symmetrical=False grants developers explicit control over both ends of a connection, allowing tailored modeling for diverse applications. This adaptability shows Django's strength in accommodating varied relationship dynamics and data structures.

Thanks for reading.

Would love to discuss your thoughts on this topic! Connect with me on LinkedIn @Lawal Afeez


  1. Django Documentation - ManyToManyField Symmetrical